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Total Validator

Total Validator checks your website regarding various web and accessibility standards by the press of a button. Building valid code is one of the highest goals developers should strive for. Total Validator helps a lot with achieving this.

Note: According to the W3C as of September 2023, the success criterion 4.1.1 (“Parsing”) is considered as always satisfied for any system using HTML or XML, and there is no need to test it anymore (see w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/parsing.html{ target=_blank }).

Total Validator logo


Download Total Validator{ target=_blank } and run the installer. Then install Chrome, Firefox or Edge extensions{ target=_blank }.


Under Validations, we recommend to disable Check for broken links, as it slows the tool down.


Total Validator window

After launching it, open your website in either Firefox or Chrome, and activate Total Validator by clicking its icon in the browser toolbar.

Total Validator browser icon

Inspect the displayed results (which vary from parsing errors to very specific accessibility warnings).

Total Validator results